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  • SLP Summer Camp

    SLP Summer Camp Time

    Have you ever wished there was a SLP summer camp? We could all get together and share fun stories about things that happened over the school year. (We could also complain…

  • 10 SLP Summer Activities

    Summer is an SLP’s time to not only relax and rejuvenate, but get a head start on the next school year. No this doesn’t mean planning therapy or getting a head…

  • Summer Speech & Language Homework

    Sending home homework can be a pain and in the past has taken me DAYS to put together!  One of the worst feelings is taking days upon days to put together summer homework…

  • Speech Therapy Fun: Taking Therapy Outside

    Taking Therapy Outside: Let’s Chalk!

    Warm weather is finally here!  I am so excited because today it’s 81 degrees outside!  For Michigan, this is wonderful considering it was snowing 10 days ago!  Due to the wonderful weather,…

  • Speech Therapy Fun: Summer Ideas

    Summer Time Speech Ideas

     Your children (or students) work on their speech and language skills throughout the entire school year.  Then, summer comes and they don’t receive speech therapy for a couple of months.  So, as…