Taking Therapy Outside: Let’s Chalk!

Speech Therapy Fun: Taking Therapy Outside

Speech Therapy Fun: Taking Therapy Outside

Warm weather is finally here!  I am so excited because today it’s 81 degrees outside!  For Michigan, this is wonderful considering it was snowing 10 days ago!  Due to the wonderful weather, I was inspired to create some outside therapy fun and link up with The Frenzied SLPs for their ‘Taking Therapy Outside’ link up.  Click the image at the end of the post to see other outside ideas!

So,if your students are itching to go outside after being cooped up all winter, here are a few fun activities for you to do!

Chalkin’ Directions

Materials Needed If Outside: Red, Blue & Green Chalk, Free Following Directions Cards

Goals Addressed: Following Directions

Set Up Outside: Print out, laminate and cut the free following directions cards.  Draw a large game board (in any shape) that contains green, blue and red spaces in the following shapes: rectangle, square, star, circle, triangle and heart.  Make sure to use each shape in each color at least one time.  You can use them more than once for a large game board.

Speech Therapy Fun: Taking Therapy Outside

Directions:  Have students start at the beginning.  Each student takes turns picking one of the following directions cards.  The student must follow the direction on the card in order to move to the correct space.  If the student does not correctly follow the direction, he/she has to wait until the next turn.

You can decide if students ONLY move forward to the next shape or have to move backwards if the shape is not in front of them.  I would make older students move forwards and backwards and the younger students only move forward.

The person who gets to the end of the game board first, wins!  If you run out of cards before the game ends, reshuffle and start going through the pile again.

If you don’t have chalk or the room outside to create this game, I have made some shape printouts for you to use in your speech room!  See the modifications below.

Materials Needed If Inside: Free Following Directions Cards and Shapes Printout

Set Up Inside: Print out, laminate and cut the free following directions cards and shape cards.  Lay the shape cards around your floor to create a ‘life-size’ game board.  You might want to print 2-3 sets of the shapes to create a large game board.  Follow the directions above to play!

Chalkin’ It Up

Speech Therapy Fun: Taking Therapy Outside

Materials Needed: Chalk, Coin, Articulation Word List or Picture Cards, Free Score Card, Dry Erase Marker

Goals Addressed: Articulation

Set Up: Print out and laminate the free score card.  Draw 4 different size circles on the ground.  Start with a small circle and write ’10’ inside the circle.  Draw a larger circle around the small circle and write ‘5’ in that circle.  Draw a larger circle around the ‘5’ circle and write a ‘2’ in it.  Finally, draw the largest circle around the ‘2’ circle and write a ‘1’ in it.

Speech Therapy Fun: Taking Therapy Outside

Directions:  Have students stand in a line about 5 feet away from the circles.  Students then take turns tossing the coin into one of the circles.  If the coin lands within the ‘1’ circle, the student has to say his/her sound (in a word, phrase or sentence), one time.  If it lands in the ‘2’ circle, the student has to say the sound two times, etc.

For each correct production, the student can mark off that many circles on the score card.  For example, if the coin lands in the 10 circle, the student has 10 chances to say his/her sound.  If the sound is correctly produced 8 times, the student can mark 8 circles.  Have the students continue taking turns until someone fills all of their circles!

Have fun ‘Chalkin It Up’ with your students!

Click the image for more outside therapy ideas!

Speech Therapy Fun: Therapy Outside

Free 28 Page Word Lists Set!

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  • Reply
    April 18, 2016 at 6:38 pm

    What great fun! Wonderful freebies, too! Thanks so much the great ideas!

    • Reply
      April 18, 2016 at 6:46 pm

      Thank you Linda!

  • Reply
    Laura Deeken
    April 19, 2016 at 9:42 pm

    I love the chalk ideas! Some of my students would love this!

    • Reply
      April 21, 2016 at 12:15 am

      Thank you Laura!

  • Reply
    April 20, 2016 at 3:14 am

    I LOVE your following directions game!! What a great way to work on following directions!

    • Reply
      April 21, 2016 at 12:15 am

      Thank you for visiting Nanette! I’m happy you like the game!

  • Reply
    Annie Doyle
    April 20, 2016 at 10:07 pm

    Love the ideas and freebies!! Wonderful post, thank you so much!

    • Reply
      April 21, 2016 at 12:16 am

      Thank you Annie!

  • Reply
    Sparklle SLP
    April 22, 2016 at 11:40 am

    Downloaded the freebie and ready to implement! Love this idea. Thank you so much for keeping me motivated at this busy time of year

    • Reply
      April 23, 2016 at 12:10 am

      Thank you for visiting my blog! I hope your kids love it!

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