5 Practical Ways to Use Speech Therapy Word Lists

I love speech therapy word lists! They are kind of my new obsession because they have seriously made my job easier. Word lists are easy to carry, have multiple uses and are wonderful for grab and go therapy. I have use these word lists for the past couple of years, but I wanted to share the 5 ways that I use speech therapy word lists (or picture lists).

How I Use the Word Lists In Speech

Student Folders

I give a copy of the word lists to older students and picture lists to younger students to place in their speech folders. They are able to use it during any session for prompts or cues. You can laminate them for the students, but I don’t (we all know that SLPs have enough to do). My students pull them out of their folders whenever they need them or when we are doing an open ended activity.


The word lists are perfect for sending home with students. Parents are often concerned at IEP meetings and want to help their children. Speech therapy word lists (or picture lists) can be easily hung on a fridge for quick homework or a daily reminder of their speech goals. I started giving them out at IEP meetings or just sending them home in the beginning of the year.

Progress Monitoring

I have laminated my word lists and used them for progress monitoring! Using a dry erase marker, I am able to quickly check which words they are improving on and which ones need more work. I figure out the percentage, list it in their logs, erase my notes on the list and go onto the next student. I have done this monthly for a quick percentage. It only takes a few minutes to do!


I have shared my lists with my students’ teachers. It’s helpful for carryover and letting the teacher know what we are working on during speech therapy. Usually, the teachers are grateful to have this list on hand and use it often!

Open Ended Games & Mixed Groups

Speech therapy word lists are the BEST for mixed groups and when using open ended games. Each student has their own list and are able to quickly produce their words before taking their turn. No more waiting for me to figure out a few target words!

Now What?

If you don’t have time to create your own lists, here are my suggestions (including a FREE SET)!

Language Word Lists – FREE

If you want an amazing, FREE set of Language Word Lists, simply CLICK HERE!

Language Word Lists

Articulation Word Lists 

This set not only includes 21 sound lists, but also includes monthly themed lists for EVERY sound in all positions!

Articulation Word Lists

Language & Articulation Picture Lists

If you have younger students, picture lists are perfect! They come in color and b&w and are no prep!

Speech Therapy Picture Lists

Are you obsessed with speech therapy word lists too?

Free 28 Page Word Lists Set!

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