Talk Like A Pirate Day in Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy Fun: Talk Like A Pirate Day

Yo ho ho and a bottle of…speech fun! Talk Like A PIrate Day in speech therapy is one of my favorite days! Well, I am linking up with Ashley Rossi from Sweet Southern Speech for ‘ARRRR You Ready For Pirate Day In Speech?’

If you haven’t celebrated this day with your students, I highly recommend making all of your next week therapy sessions pirate themed!  I have found that students are more engaged and excited during our pirate themed sessions.  If you don’t know where to start, I have you covered!

Here is a list of pirate themed ideas that you can do with your students, while addressing multiple speech and language goals.

Get the Free Pirate Materials Download!

Make An Eye Patch & Get Your Pirate Name

Speech Therapy Fun: Talk Like A Pirate Day

Materials: Free Download (Below), String, Scissors, Pirate Name Printable from
Goals To Address: Any – Have students complete a task before coloring, cutting and adding string to their eye patches.
Directions: Have students figure out their pirate name.  Write the name on their eye patch.  Have students cut out and decorate the eye patch.  After it is decorated, tie a string to the eye patch, so the student can wear it during the session.  Have students call each other by their pirate names for added fun!

Color By Number

Materials: Free Download (Below), Crayons
Goals To Address: Any – Have students complete a task before coloring each section of the pirate.  For example, say your sound 4X before coloring the section with a 4 on it.

Pin The Hat On The Pirate

Materials: Free Download (Below), Tape, Blindfold
Goals To Address: Any – Have students complete a task before taking their turn.
Directions: Laminate and cut out one of the pirates and all of the hats.  If you have a group larger than 3, print out an additional set of hats.  Hang one of the pirates on the wall.  Give each student a hat and blindfold them.  Have each student try to place the hat on the pirate.  Whichever student gets their hat closest to the correct spot, wins!

Talk Like A Pirate Scavenger Hunt

Speech Therapy Fun: Talk Like A Pirate Day

Materials: Free Download (Below), Scissors
Goals To Address: Following Directions, Prepositions, Pronouns
Directions: Print, laminate and cut out all of the scavenger hunt cards.  Pass out an even amount of cards to each student.  Have all but one student go in the hallway, while the other student hides his/her cards.  Once hidden, that student has to give direction to the other students to help them find the cards.  For example, ‘It is under something’ or ‘It is behind something big’ etc.  Once the cards are found, have the next student hide his/her cards.  Keep going until all of the cards have been hidden and found.

Pirate Day Certificates

Print, laminate and cut out certificates to give to your students at the end of the session!

Now, Get Your Free Download!

For more themed speech and language activities, check out these posts!

Speech and Language Thanksgiving Activities

Winter Speech and Language Activities

So, ARRR You Ready for Pirate Day now?!  You can check out more ideas by checking out Ashley Rossi’s Link Up!

What have you done for pirate day in your therapy sessions?

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  • Reply
    Amanda Schaumburg (Panda Speech)
    September 11, 2016 at 7:05 pm

    What a great list of fun activities!

    • Reply
      September 13, 2016 at 6:43 pm

      Thank you!

  • Reply
    Lisette (Speech Sprouts)
    September 18, 2016 at 12:44 pm

    How fun! The students will love these activities. I especially love the scavenger hunt idea 🙂

    • Reply
      September 24, 2016 at 7:28 pm

      Thank you Lisette!

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