Bored in Speech? Get Active!


It’s starting to get cold outside…well at least it is in Michigan!  I love fall, but fall also means that my students are stuck inside for the next five to six months!  When students are stuck inside for that long, it’s almost a necessity to have them play ‘active’ games.  It helps to get the blood flowing and they absolutely love getting a break from sitting at their desks.  One of my favorite ‘active’ games is the ‘Floor Race’ game.  I love this game because students actively participate, you can address any goal or multiple goals during one game, you don’t need any materials and students love it!   Here’s how you play…

Materials Needed: Nothing!
1) Have your students line up, next to each other, at one end of the room.
2) Students then take turns completing a speech task*.
3) If they correctly complete the task, they can move forward one tile square.  If you don’t have tiled floor, you can have them take one large step, move up ‘one desk’ or flip a coin and have them move 1-2 spaces (heads or tails).
4) Whoever gets to the other end of the room first, wins!

*Speech Task Examples
Wh Questions: Have them answer a ‘wh’ question
Following Directions: Give them a direction to complete before moving (touch the ground before you spin in a circle)
Prepositions: Put your hand ‘behind’ your head.
Vocab: Show them a picture or item and have them name it
Reading Comprehension: Read them a paragraph and have them answer a question (or read the entire book before the game to increase difficulty)
Articulation: Have them say their sound in a word, phrase or sentence 5X.
Create your own speech task!

I hope you and your students ‘race’ to great speech!

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  • Reply
    Heidi Britz
    October 24, 2015 at 11:17 am

    What a fun idea!

  • Reply
    Ashley Rossi (Sweet Southern Speech)
    October 24, 2015 at 12:01 pm

    Great ideas! Thanks for reminding me to get up and get my students moving in speech!

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