5 Ways to Use Play-Doh in Speech Therapy

SLP’s rely on a number of tools and toys to motivate their students. Play-Doh is a great motivational tool and is perfect for language and articulation therapy. Here are a few ways in which I use Play-Doh during my speech therapy sessions.

Speech Therapy Plans Using Play-Doh In SpeechRoll the Play-Doh

One of the things I like to do with Play-Doh is have the students make a ball each time they produce their sound or complete a language task. I have them roll about 20-30 balls in the first half of the session (about 15 minutes).

I have the students place the balls in the center of the table and then take a ball from the center for each task they complete. As the students collect them, they can create towers, pictures or other creations. This is great for groups because students work on their creations as they wait for their turn.


I Spy Game

I use Play-Doh to play an ‘I Spy’ game. To do this, stick a piece of it on different objects in your room. Then, describe one of the items and have the students find which one you are describing. They can ask questions or follow your directions to find the item. You can also have students do the describing, while you or other students guess.

Speech Therapy Plans Using Play-Doh In Speech

Guess The Design

Play-Doh is a wonderful tool to use for language and sounds in conversation. As students create Play-Doh designs, I try to guess what they are making. They have to give me clues about it by describing it and answering my questions. They can also give me synonyms or antonyms for the creation. You can also play where the students have to guess what you’re making by asking questions and using their inferencing skills.

Barrier Games

If you have read some of my previous posts, you know that barrier games are one of my favorites! Play-Doh is great for barrier games because students have to describe the shapes, colors, sizes, etc.

I have played where a student makes a creation and describes it to another student or where I make a creation and describe it to the students in my group. Both are great for expressive and receptive language!


You read it right. With a little modification, this game can be great for articulation or language.

Set out nine flashcards in a Tic Tac Toe formation and give each student a specific color of Play-Doh.

Instead of using X’s and O’s, students place their color on the spot that they want. When they place the Play-Doh on the card, they have to complete the task on the card and then it’s the next student’s turn. After each game, change the flash cards with 9 new ones. It’s a fun and easy way to change-up Tic Tac Toe!

Check out this amazing post from one of my best SLP friends, Tami from TLC Talk Shop! 10 Reasons to Use Play-Doh in Speech

Want more therapy ideas, materials and activities? Go to Speech Therapy Plans for more information!

How have you used Play-Doh in therapy?


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  • Reply
    Tamatha Cauckwell
    February 3, 2019 at 4:31 pm

    Love these ideas! As much as I love play dough, I never thought to use it to smash while playing tic-tac-doh! Thanks for also including my post!

    • Reply
      April 2, 2019 at 7:40 pm

      Of course!

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